Challenger Florianopolis: Successo finale di Paul Capdeville
30/04/2007 08:42
3 commenti

Paul Capdeville ha vinto il torneo challenger di Florianopolis. Il cileno ha battuto nella finalissima con il punteggio finale di 76 60 l’argentino Guzman.
3 commenti
[messaggio modificato da utente]
:pout pout
:phew Phew
:yawn yawn
:whisper whisper
:faint faint
:whew Whew
:think Think
:para para
:uhoh uhoh
:cat cat
:no no
:sumo sumo
:clap clap
:yuck yuck
:puke puke
:cross crossfingers
:duh duh
:freakdoor :freakdoor
:salute salute
:troll troll
:wah wah
:tiptoe tiptoe
:trophy trophy
:vogue vogue
:cb crystal ball
:freak freak
:lalala lalala
😉 Wink
:quote Quote
:wink wink
:evil evil
:thud thud
:cake cake
:ziplip:stalker stalker
:explain explain
:chicken chicken
:ninja ninja
:twocents twocents
:cry2 Cry2
:tantrum tantrum
:sigh sigh
:nono nono
:hm Hoochie Mama
:crossbones crossbones
:shrug shrug
:gossip gossip
:twitch twitch
:cry cry
:dead dead
:orly o rly
😮 Embarrassment
:whip whip
:ymca ymca
:flush Flush
:dork dork
:hmm hmm
:hippy hippy
:birthday birthday
:blackcloud black cloud
:shy shy
:bowdown bow down
:bump bump
:cheer2 cheer2
:notworthy not worthy
:plotting plotting
:cow cow
:kickcan kickcan
:doggystyle doggy style
:mrt MrT
🙁 Frown
:please please
:devilcry devilcry
:pumpkinhead pumpkinhead
:funcat Fun Cat
:devilpuke devilpuke
:wave wave
:yum yum
:2girls 2 girls, 1 cup
:confused: Confused
:ugly ugly
:duck duck
:beg beg
:ohpoo oh poo
:disbelief disbelief
:yeahno yeahno
:panic panic
:idea Idea
:jawdrop jawdrop
:whistle whistle
:doh doh
:yep yep
:score score
:fart fart
:monkey monkey
:snap :snap
:carnie Carnie
:pillowfight pillowfight
:geezer old dude
:sadcheer sadcheer
:roll rolleyes
:psych psych
:sleep sleep
:thankyou thankyou
:comp computer
:hmph hmph
:rick :rick
:waiting Waiting
😎 Cool
😮 :bananasex bananasex
:makeout makeout
:hump humpy
:butt In the Butt
:jerkit jerkit
:boobienana Boobienana
:dickhead dickhead
:backdoor backdoor
:hooters hooters
:kink Kinky
:69 69
:bj bj
:bed bed
:3some threesome
:sperm Sperm
:fluffysex fluffysex
:jackoff Hand Job
:domina Domina
:pinkboobs Pink
:bedsex Bedsex
:kk Golden Shower
:smileysex Smileysex
:lickit lickit
:leghump leghump
:heysexy Hey Sexy
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:werdmax Werdicles
:hitit I’d hit it
:werd werd
:ww welcome to last week
:wack Wack
:rs3 RS3
:canada canadian flag
:welcome welcome
:rs2 RS2
:soitgoes so it goes
:brit Britishflag
:rs1 RS1
:lame lame
:paranoid paranoid
:thanks thank you
:bling bling
:badidea bad idea
:aussie Aussie flag
:vanilla vanilla
User Name Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:chewie Chewie
:max Max
cake cake
:molly buzzkill
Santa Santa
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
lice itchy
skank hillbilly
bitches censored
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:paclap oh yay!
:bfrown :bfrown
:hating :hating
:pa Adorable!
:bhug :bhug
[messaggio modificato da utente]
:innocent innocent
:hyper hyper
:eyebrow max
:devileyes devil eyes
:devil devil
:elefant elefant
:toot toot
:woot woot
:flounce flounce
:mf Mind Fuck
:wiggle wiggle
:cool Cool
:hide Hide
:weenie dancing sausage
:poo poo
:trippy rasta nana
:seesaw seesaw
:but But, but, but
:jesus Jesus
:dancers dancers
:snicker snicker
:spin spin
:stirpot stir the pot
:dance dance
:angel angel
:yay yay
I Will Always Love You
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:heart Heart
:freaklove freaklove
:kiss Kiss
:hug hug
:comfort comfort
:luv luv
:love love
:comfort2 comfort2
:smooch smooch
:aww awww
:daisies daisies
:couple couple
If You’re Happy and You Know It
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:smiley smiley
:paneener PA Neener
:paneener2 PA neener 2
:teehee Teehee
:neener2 Neener2
:lmao LMAO
:grin grin
:rofl ROFL
:crack Crack up laughing
:grin2 grin2
:rotflmao rolling
:frolic Bliss
:queen queen
:lol LOL
😀 Big Grin
:rofldoor In and Out ROFL
:king king
:evillaugh evillaugh
:neener Neener
🙂 Smile
:haha Haha
:highfive High five
:cheer Cheer!
:roflpuke ROFL puke
:pimp pimp
:chairfall chairfall
:hehe hehe
:shake Shake head
Real Life
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:dishes dishes
:knit knit
:guitar guitar
:camera camera
:laundry Laundry
:treadmill treadmill
:drums drums
:iron Iron
:hangdry hangdry
:dj DJ
Save the Drama for Your Mama
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:disrespect Disrespect
😡 Mad
:what What?
:spank spank
:catfight catfight
:knob knob
:voodoo voodoo
:cussing cussing
:wtf WTF??
:eatme eat me
:booty booty
:demon demon
:slap slap
:gaah Gaah!
:cuckoo cuckoo
:asskiss asskiss
:wow wow
:troutslap trout slap
:shark :shark
:drama drama queen
:lurk lurk happy
:-)) very happy
:-)))))))) Ecstatic!
:,-) :’-) so happy that they’re crying
:~-) so happy that they’re crying
8-> just happy
}:-} has a big grin
%-} amused
I-) |-) sniggering
😀 (-D laughing
(-) laughing
%-(|) laughing out loud
:’-D :,-D lauging so much that they’re crying
:.-) laughing so much that they’re crying
:-):-):-) guffawing loudly
8-] in love
%-{ :/) not amused
:-I 😐 indifferent / apathetic
:-1 :-! bland
:-/ :-\ sceptical / undecided
:-ozzzZZ bored
%-) confused
:~/ really mixed up
:-T straight faced
🙁 unhappy
(:-( :-c very unhappy
{:-{ definitely unhappy
8^( %-{ sad
(:-\ :-< VERY sad :-< forlorn :-... heart-broken :'-( :,-( crying :~(~~ :~-( crying &.(.. crying :''') weeping floods of tears &-| &-( tearful :-e disappointed (:-< (:-( frowning >:-( not keen on something
:-c bummed
:-C really bummed
:-t :-z cross
:-II :-|| angry
(:-& :-@ angry
%-( angry and frowning
>:-<>>:-< < mad > 🙁 >:-< < mad >–< absolutely livid ~ 🙁 steaming mad |-O yawning #-) exhausted after partying all night *|-0 still working at 5 a.m. |-( very tired |-I |-| asleep |-( 3-i asleep and having nightmares 3-I asleep and having nightmares |^o 3-O snoring X-) %+( unconscious X-( 8-# dead #-| #-( dead X-# dead :*} :-} tipsy :-{ is tipsy on rough wine :*) #-) drunk %*} very drunk %') finished off a fifth for lunch %-<|> %-) drunk with laughter
%-\ %-/ hungover
%*@:-) hungover
:-(*) feeling sick
|-/ constipated
=) 8-( surprised!
😮 surprised
* 😮 alarmed !
😮 :-() shocked / awed
=(8-0) =:-o having a hair-raising experience!
:- ] :-C so shocked that their jaw has hit the ground
:-I :-/ puzzled / perplexed
😉 ‘-) winking
>-::-D smitten by Cupid’s arrow
:-} ;-} leering
>:-> leering
;>) :-1 smirking
:-, ;^) smirking
( :+( scared
:-> :-] sarcastic
:-[ critical
:-& tongue-tied
:-[ pouting
;-> lewd
):-) impish
>:-) }:-) devilish
>-) };-> a rude devil
@;-) a flirt
:-8( condescending
:-7 :-} wry
8^| grim
:-* bitter
:-6 sour
!:-) imaginative
-]:-)[- impressed
P-) fresh
:-0 silent (quiet lab!)
😡 :-X sworn to secrecy / has a taped-up mouth
:-# :-X lips are sealed
:-W :-h speaking with a forked tongue
:-w speaking with a forked tongue
:^) :-J tongue-in-cheek
😛 panting in anticipation
8-I 8-| in suspense
|-p |-P revolted
😐 disgusted
:-/ chagrined
:-C totally unbelieving
|:-| excessively rigid
*-) stoned
*8((: strange
L-P totally scrambled (that’s why L-P mud exists)
:-] obnoxious
|:T not amused
:-))-: confused
[-( upset with someone
*-< |:o) in a party mood! :0p a happy puppy! 8-))O O O :nopity [messaggio modificato da utente]