Analisi del ranking dei TOP 100 Italiani

Questa l’analisi dei top 100 italiani aggiornata a questa settimana. Nella tabella (aggiornata al ranking del 19 maggio) sono riportati i punti conquistati in questa stagione e quelli da difendere della stagione scorsa.
In questa analisi poi ci sono i punti conquistati per superficie e le relative percentuali. Grazie ad Inserisci Nome
32 – Andreas Seppi
Actual Overall Points : 1042
Actual Countable Points : 973
2007 Overall Points : 469
2007 Countable Points : 408 (42%)
2008 Overall Points : 573
2008 Countable Points : 565 (58%)
GS and MS Countable Points: 465 (48%)
Atp tourn. (esc. Ms e Gs) Countable Points : 395 (40%)
Challenger Countable Points: 113 (12%)
Clay Countable Points: 518 (53%)
Indoor Hard Countable Points : 325 (33%)
Outdoor Hard Countable Points : 95 (10%)
Grass Countable Points: 35 (4%)
47 – Simone Bolelli
Actual Overall Points : 726
Actual Countable Points : 721
2007 Overall Points : 247
2007 Countable Points : 242 (34%)
2008 Overall Points : 479
2008 Countable Points : 479 (66%)
GS and MS Countable Points: 348 (48%)
Atp tourn. (esc. Ms e Gs) Countable Points : 235 (33%)
Challenger Countable Points: 138 (19%)
Clay Countable Points: 339 (47%)
Indoor Hard Countable Points : 237 (33%)
Outdoor Hard Countable Points : 110 (15%)
Grass Countable Points: 35 (5%)
49 – Potito Starace
Actual Overall Points : 875
Actual Countable Points : 715
2007 Overall Points : 521
2007 Countable Points : 410 (57%)
2008 Overall Points : 354
2008 Countable Points : 305 (43%)
GS and MS Countable Points: 180 (25%)
Atp tourn. (esc. Ms e Gs) Countable Points : 375 (53%)
Challenger Countable Points: 160 (22%)
Clay Countable Points: 625 (87%)
Indoor Hard Countable Points : 70 (10%)
Outdoor Hard Countable Points : 15 (2%)
Grass Countable Points: 5 (1%)
73 – Filippo Volandri
Actual Overall Points : 651
Actual Countable Points : 535
2007 Overall Points : 426
2007 Countable Points : 360 (67%)
2008 Overall Points : 215
2008 Countable Points : 175 (33%)
GS and MS Countable Points: 265 (50%)
Atp tourn. (esc. Ms e Gs) Countable Points : 230 (43%)
Challenger Countable Points: 40 (7%)
Clay Countable Points: 465 (87%)
Indoor Hard Countable Points : 40 (7%)
Outdoor Hard Countable Points : 25 (5%)
Grass Countable Points: 5 (1%)
87 – Fabio Fognini
Actual Overall Points : 507
Actual Countable Points : 495
2007 Overall Points : 349
2007 Countable Points : 337 (68%)
2008 Overall Points : 158
2008 Countable Points : 158 (32%)
GS and MS Countable Points: 146 (30%)
Atp tourn. (esc. Ms e Gs) Countable Points : 175 (35%)
Challenger Countable Points: 174 (35%)
Clay Countable Points: 341 (69%)
Indoor Hard Countable Points : 15 (3%)
Outdoor Hard Countable Points : 139 (28%)
Grass Countable Points: 0 (0%)
Simone Bolelli classe 1985, n.47 ATP
3 commenti
Complimenti, Inserisci Nome, per l’ottimo lavoro.
purtroppo credo o sky o niente…
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