WTA Miami: Trionfa Serena Williams
31/03/2007 21:35
11 commenti

Serena Williams ha vinto il torneo Wta di Miami (cemento, 3.450.000 dollari). La tennista statunitense, testa di serie numero 13, ha battuto in finale la belga Justine Henin, n. 2 del seeding, per 0-6, 7-5, 6-3.
🙂 Smile
Mr. Green
🙁 Sad
:confused: Confused
😡 Mad
:p Razz
😉 Wink
😀 Very Happy
😮 Surprised
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
😎 Cool
😮 Surprised
Imported Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
8) Cool
:heart: I love you 🙂
😀 Very Happy
😈 Twisted Evil
😕 Confused
:suspect: What the ?!?
😐 Neutral
👿 Evil or Very Mad
😕 Confused
:sleep: I don’t want that
😐 Neutral
😥 Crying or Very sad
😕 Confused
:DD Mr.Red
😐 Neutral
😳 Embarassed
😯 Shocked
:pale pale
:arrow Arrow
😛 Razz
:2gun: Guns
😮 Surprised
:snicker snicker
💡 Idea
😛 Razz
:gta: Micro SMG
🙁 Sad
:dunce dunce
❓ Question
😡 Mad
:liar: Liar
🙁 Sad
:angry angry
❗ Exclamation
😡 Mad
:bang: BangHead
🙂 Smile
:argue argue
😉 Wink
😆 Laughing
:pissed: very mad
🙂 Smile
:cuss cussing
😉 Wink
😎 Cool
:no Ohno
😀 Very Happy
:help help
🙄 Rolling Eyes
🙂 happy 🙂 (-: (:
:-)) very happy :))
😀 big smile 😀
:-O surprised / o, no :O
😛 tongue sticking out 😛 :-p :p
😉 wink 😉
🙁 sad 🙁
:-(( very sad :((
:-/ confused :-\
:”> embarrassed
:-> vicious :>
😐 undecided 😐
B-) wearing sunglasses
:-B wearing regular glasses / is a nerd :B
X-( angry x-( X( x(
:-X in love 😡 :X 😡
I-) asleep |-) I-|
=; Talk to my hand
@};- rose
🙂 devil
:O) clown :o) :0) Chicken
~o) cup of coffee
%%- lucky / clover
b-( beat up
:)>- peace
:-& sick
=* kiss :-* :*
;;) flirt / blink ;;-)
/:-) what / raise eyebrow /:)
(%) ying/yang
o-+ Yahoo Fighter – April
o=> Yahoo Fighter- Billy
o-> Yahoo Fighter- Hiro
:-L mad
[-o:D applause
😕 thinking
:^o liar :^O
@-) hypnotized
8-| looking around / rolling eyes
8-} crazy
(:| tired
=p~ drooling
$-) money eyes
:-” whistling
#-o doh!
~:O) baby
~:o baby
~(:O baby crying
:^{] father (with mustache)
+:-) doctor
P-( pirate
P^) pirate (with patch over an eye)
P^{) pirate
+-(:-) the pope
+O:-) the pope
+-:-) priest
+:-) priest
+—- Beatnik wearing a baret
@—>—>– Rose with stem and leaves
@}-‘-,-‘-,— Long stemmed rose
——{–@ Rose
@>– Rose
O diamond ring
3— fork
==— knife
— spoon
|o—| Another comfortable bed
(:::::[]:::::) Band Aid
[{–Crayon–]}> crayon (try in different colors)
:-(( Really Sad
:)> Smiley with beard
:-{> Smiley with mustache and beard
d:-) Wearing a baseball hat
i-( Swollen-eyed smiley
:-s Don’t know what to say
:-s That is really disgusting
?) Lazy Eyed smiley
:-()=0 Fat smiley
$-) Won the lottery
:-#/ Wears braces
:-~) Got a flew / Runny nose
O-) Cyclops
) Nosy smiley
:-Q Smoker
;-Q Smoking smiley
😕 Pipe smoking smiley
😎 Wearing (sun) glasses
😎 Bandit or Masked Man.
B-) Smiley with sunglasses on his head
~:() Fish lips
:-{) Has a mustache
(Ü) Very happy, with big cheeks
:=) Has two noses
X-( Just died
[:-) Wearing a walkman
.-) Smiley with one eye
(:-) Bald smiley
(:+) Bald smiley
&:-) Bad Hairday
{(:-) Smiley with a toupee
{(:{) Smiley with a mustache and a toupee
}(:-( Smiley with a toupee when it is windy
!-| Smiley with a black eye
:-{} Wearing lipstick
@:-) Hajji or guy with a turban
$-0 Writer only talks money
:-& Writer only want to hear himself
:-& Tongue tied
:~X Tongue tied
=:-O Scared
🙂 . I have an inny (belly button)
🙂 , I have an outy (belly button)
:-)8 Smiley with bow tie
:-Þ Sticking out tongue (typ :- than press alt+ 0222)
:-p Tongue sticking out
:-)~ Tongue sticking out
§=-) Curly haired smile
§:-) Happy person with curly hair
:^) Regular smile
;^) Winking
:-(E Sloppy eater
:o) Smiley with a big nose
s-] Silly smiley
:z Sick
=):-) Cowboy Bob
~(_8^(|) Homer Simpson
(8-) Homer Simpson
( 😮 (|) Homer Simpson
~(8(l) Homer Simpson
~(_8^(|) Homer Simpson
( ):^) Marge Simpson
@@@@ 🙂 Marge Simpson
(@@@@):^) Marge Simpson
######:o) Marge Simpson
( ):^) Marge Simpson
///////8-) Marge Simpson
}:^) Bart Simpson
B-)===> Bart Simpson
X:^) Lisa Simpson
C|:-)= Charlie Chaplin
_:^) Indian
&:-) Ace Ventura
B-)===> ZZ Top
>:-)~ Devil
>:) Devil
>:-> Devil
}:-> Devil
};^)’ Devil
0 🙂 Angel
(:\/) PacMan
>: [~ Vampire
:-[ Vampire
[:-|I Frankenstein
-:) Punk with a mohawk
ºOº Mickey Mouse (alt+167 for the ears)
8(:-) Mickey Mouse
@:) Elvis
5:O Elvis
?:-% Elvis
¿;) Elvis
@:-)B What Madonna would look like with Elvis hair
:-)B Dolly Parton
:-)8 Dolly Parton
:-.) Marilyn Monroe or Cindy Crawford
d=) Oliver Hardy
==):-)= Abraham Lincoln
=|:-)= Abraham Lincoln
=|:)> Abraham Lincoln
7:^] Ronald Reagan
=|:-)## Uncle Sam
=:o{= d’Artagnan
:-.) Cindy Crawford
> Saint-Nicolas
*>> Santa Claus
*-={:-)}}}> Santa Claus
* Santa Claus
* Santa Claus
~(_8^(|) Santa Claus
>:*) Rudolph
(:>])( )( ) Snowman
8*) Clown
Smiley by Picasso
o{–(::O> An Alien
~ Wizard
Robin Hood
Basic emoticons and smileys
This page shows an overview of the most common basic emoticons. With these basic smilies everything started and changed to the animated emoticons as we all know them today. If you are interested to read a short history about the emoticons, just go to this page.
Some chatrooms still use the emoticons and do not translate the emoticons to images. You can also still use these basic emoticons for your e-mail.
🙂 Standard Smiley (you are joking; satisfied)
🙂 Standard Smiley for lazy people
,-) Winking Smiley. You don’t mean it, even if you are joking
😉 Winking Smiley. See above
:-> Follows a really sarcastic remark
(-: Left handed Smiley
🙁 Sad Smiley. You aren’t joking; You are not satisfied
:X Kissing Smiley
:-* Kissing Smiley
:- Kissing Smiley
;- I-want-to-kiss-you smiley
:-@ French Kiss
:-)~~(-: French Kiss
:-)~~~~ French Kiss
:-@ Screaming; Swearing
:-() Yelling
XD Laughing hilariously
:^):8D Evil or crazed laughter
X) Being mischievous
😀 Laughing
|-I Asleep
:] Talk to me
:OI Mouth Full
:p~~ Drooling
;- Drooling
!o) Winking (Taking a peak)
:{ }: Two people talking
ascii snail – meaning a slow connection
=:~> Bunny
3 Owl
3:-o Cow
3:(:) ) Cow
3:@~ Cow grazing
]:(:)) Happy cow
]:(:)( Sad cow
8^ Chicken
:]~~~~~~* Frog catching a fly
____/\___\o/___ Shark
== Turkey
:@) (happy) pig
:8) pig
:©) pig
:(:) ) Happy pig
:(:)( Sad pig
})i({ butterfly
>”-[ [ [ [ ~~~ alligator
> fish
~))))’> possum (large)
~)))’> possum (medium)
~))’> possum (small)
[messaggio modificato da utente]
[messaggio modificato da utente]