Simone Bolelli potrebbe ripartite da Infantino

Simone Bolelli verrà aiutato dalla Federazione Italiana Tennis.
L’azzurro infatti potrebbe iniziare dal prossimo anno un rapporto di collaborazione con Edoardo Infantino, direttore tecnico del Centro Federale di Tirrenia.
Simo ritornerà ad allenarsi sui campi da tennis però solo tra due mesi.
Ricordiamo che Bolelli ha subito il mese scorso un intervento al ginocchio sinistro.
TAG: Italiani, Simone Bolelli
8 commenti
Quinzi si affossa da solo!
@ LuchinoVisconti (#1658583)
Niente periodo, lavorava con altri, per Fit.
Informati bene
Ottimo curriculum. Noto però che manca il periodo in cui allenava Quinzi: come mai?
@ Not serious (#1657948)
Quinzi chi? Quello che stava affossando la carriera di coach di Infantino?
@ Not serious (#1657948)
Quindi non solo non e’ nemmeno capace a nuotare ma neanche a galleggiare, x quello che affonda
No Infantino ce
1984. Director of Argentina National Teams, for children younger than 16 years old.
1986 – 1987. Director of Argentina National Teams at an international level (South America, Japan, Europe).
1985 – 1989. He took part into the development of a tennis project for children between 8 and 18 years old, with the collaboration of Raul Perez Roldan, in South America and Europe. In addition, during that project he was able to train Alberto Mancini (ARG, he reached number 8th of the ATP ranking) and Gabriel Markus (ARG).
1989. Being 24 years old, he started coaching. Furthermore, he assumed the technical direction of Franco Davin (ARG, reached up to the 30th place of the ATP ranking, and nowadays is the coach of Juan Martin Del Potro) and Roberto Azar (managed to get to number 60th of the ATP ranking).
1992. He got in charge of the technical direction of Omar Camporese (ITA, achieving the number 18 of the ATP ranking). Moreover, he was hired by the Italian tennis club, “Le Pleiadi Italia”, situated in the city of Torino.
1993. He was coach of Stefano Pescosolido (ITA, peaking up to number 35th of the ATP ranking). At the same time he worked with the Moroccan Younes El Aynaoui (achieving the 12th place in the ATP ranking).
1995. He was coach of El Aynaoui, for 4 years.
1996. He returned to Argentina.
1997. He assumed the technical direction of Franco Squillari (ARG).
1998. He continued coaching Franco Squillari (getting up to the 11th place of the ATP ranking in the year 2000) and consequently he started training Mariano Zabaleta (ARG). At that time, he was cooperating with the development of Guillermo Coria and David Nalbandian, during their childhood.
2001. He kept on training Mariano Zabaleta (who reached the 21th place in the ATP ranking, for 3 years) and started coaching Gastón Gaudio (ARG, getting up to the 30th place of the ATP ranking), reaching finals in Chile and Buenos Aires.
2002.He began training the Danish Kristian Pless, who achieved his best performance over his career, with a semi final in Lyon, and as a result he reached the 71th place of the ATP ranking.
He helped guiding the training of Juan Martin del Potro (ARG), what he had done since he was 12 years old, collaborating with his first professor Marcelo Gómez and Daniel Spatz.
2003. He started working with David Nalbandian (ARG) as his coach, for 3 years, accomplishing the 4th place in the ATP ranking.
2006. He began working personally with Juan Martin Del Potro, attaining the 40th position of the ATP ranking.
2008. He started working with the Italian Tennis Federation, as a consultant.
2009. He started as the coach of Marcos Baghdatis (CHP), who started in the 150th place of the ranking and reached the 26th position, in less than a year.
2011. Alessandro Giannessi rise of the post 500 to 135 ATP.
Francisco Bahamonde with only 15 years old, ranking 1370
Credo che il suo curriculum è abbastanza no?
Salutti amici
Infantino chi ? Quello che stava per far affondare Quinzi ?
Daje chicco!