Qualificazioni Challenger Challenger, Copertina

Challenger Leon: Qualificazioni. Alessandro Motti si ferma al secondo turno

28/03/2016 00:38 7 commenti
Alessandro Motti nella foto
Alessandro Motti nella foto

Questi i risultati con il Live dettagliato dei giocatori italiani impegnati nel torneo challenger di Leon ($75.000, hard).

MEX Challenger Leon – Hard
2TQ Motti ITA – Gomez ECU (0-0) ore 21:00

CH Leon
Alessandro Motti
Emilio Gomez [6]
Vincitore: E. GOMEZ

2 Aces 5
5 Double Faults 8
48% 1st Serve % 48%
19/29 (66%) 1st Serve Points Won 26/32 (81%)
13/32 (41%) 2nd Serve Points Won 15/35 (43%)
3/7 (43%) Break Points Saved 3/5 (60%)
9 Service Games Played 10
6/32 (19%) 1st Return Points Won 10/29 (34%)
20/35 (57%) 2nd Return Points Won 19/32 (59%)
2/5 (40%) Break Points Won 4/7 (57%)
10 Return Games Played 9
32/61 (52%) Total Service Points Won 41/67 (61%)
26/67 (39%) Total Return Points Won 29/61 (48%)
58/128 (45%) Total Points Won 70/128 (55%)

0 Ranking 330
37 Age 24
Correggio, Italy Birthplace N/A
Reggio Emilia, Italy Residence N/A
6’1″ (185 cm) Height N/A
163 lbs (74 kg) Weight N/A
Left-Handed Plays Right-Handed
N/A Turned Pro N/A
0/0 Year to Date Win/Loss 2/0
0 Year to Date Titles 0
0 Career Titles 0
$245,306 Career Prize Money $121,438

1TQ Moreno MEX – Motti ITA (0-0) 2 incontro dalle ore 18:00

CH Leon
Alfredo Moreno
Alessandro Motti
Vincitore: A. MOTTI

11 Aces 3
7 Double Faults 7
57% 1st Serve % 53%
43/58 (74%) 1st Serve Points Won 37/42 (88%)
21/44 (48%) 2nd Serve Points Won 22/38 (58%)
9/12 (75%) Break Points Saved 0/1 (0%)
16 Service Games Played 15
5/42 (12%) 1st Return Points Won 15/58 (26%)
16/38 (42%) 2nd Return Points Won 23/44 (52%)
1/1 (100%) Break Points Won 3/12 (25%)
15 Return Games Played 16
64/102 (63%) Total Service Points Won 59/80 (74%)
21/80 (26%) Total Return Points Won 38/102 (37%)
85/182 (47%) Total Points Won 97/182 (53%)

N/A Ranking 0
24 Age 37
N/A Birthplace Correggio, Italy
N/A Residence Reggio Emilia, Italy
N/A Height 6’1″ (185 cm)
N/A Weight 163 lbs (74 kg)
N/A Plays Left-Handed
N/A Turned Pro N/A
0/0 Year to Date Win/Loss 0/0
0 Year to Date Titles 0
0 Career Titles 0
$4,635 Career Prize Money $245,306

TAG: , , ,

7 commenti

luigi (Guest) 28-03-2016 21:29

@ luigi (#1557483)
Andrea no Anders quello era Jarryd

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luigi (Guest) 28-03-2016 07:55

Gomez figlio di Anders vincitore del Roland Garros 1990

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JImboMito (Guest) 28-03-2016 00:38

Bravo comunque Motti. Ha perso con onore.

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Darios80 (Guest) 27-03-2016 21:04

Superare le quali sarà impossibile cmq bravo a provarci e a superare il primo turno

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Gian50 27-03-2016 20:56

sarebbe carino che Motti superasse le quali daiiii Ale

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Lollorafael 27-03-2016 20:10

Forza Ale!

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gido 27-03-2016 20:00

forza Ale Motti da Correggio: buon doppista!

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