Challenger Segovia: Qualificazioni. Riccardo Ghedin al turno decisivo. Fuori al secondo turno Berrettini

Questi i risultati di Matteo Berrettini e Riccardo Ghedin impegnati nelle qualificazioni del torneo challenger di Segovia (€42,500 +H, cemento) .
Riccardo Ghedin approda al turno decisivo dove sfiderà Gerasimov, classe 1992, n.379 ATP che ha sconfitto al secondo turno in due set Matteo Berrettini.
Challenger Segovia – Cemento
2TQ Mukund – Ghedin
(0-0) 2° Incontro ore 12:30
0 Aces 7
7 Double Faults 5
50% 1st Serve % 66%
12/30 (40%) 1st Serve Points Won 27/37 (73%)
11/30 (37%) 2nd Serve Points Won 6/19 (32%)
6/12 (50%) Break Points Saved 5/6 (83%)
7 Service Games Played 7
10/37 (27%) 1st Return Points Won 18/30 (60%)
13/19 (68%) 2nd Return Points Won 19/30 (63%)
1/6 (17%) Break Points Won 6/12 (50%)
7 Return Games Played 7
23/60 (38%) Total Service Points Won 33/56 (59%)
23/56 (41%) Total Return Points Won 37/60 (62%)
46/116 (40%) Total Points Won 70/116 (60%)
572 Ranking 492
18 Age 29
N/A Birthplace Rome, Italy
N/A Residence Rome, Italy
N/A Height 6’2″ (187 cm)
N/A Weight 160 lbs (72 kg)
Right-Handed Plays Right-Handed
N/A Turned Pro N/A
0/0 Year to Date Win/Loss 0/0
0 Year to Date Titles 0
0 Career Titles 0
$11,624 Career Prize Money $271,649
2TQ Gerasimov – Berrettini
(0-0) 3° Incontro ore 12:30
3 Aces 2
2 Double Faults 0
81% 1st Serve % 65%
33/44 (75%) 1st Serve Points Won 14/28 (50%)
4/10 (40%) 2nd Serve Points Won 7/15 (47%)
5/5 (100%) Break Points Saved 2/6 (33%)
8 Service Games Played 7
14/28 (50%) 1st Return Points Won 11/44 (25%)
8/15 (53%) 2nd Return Points Won 6/10 (60%)
4/6 (67%) Break Points Won 0/5 (0%)
7 Return Games Played 8
37/54 (69%) Total Service Points Won 21/43 (49%)
22/43 (51%) Total Return Points Won 17/54 (31%)
59/97 (61%) Total Points Won 38/97 (39%)
379 Ranking 763
22 Age 19
Belarus, Minsk Birthplace N/A
Belarus, Minsk Residence N/A
6’0″ (182 cm) Height 6’4″ (193 cm)
185 lbs (84 kg) Weight 187 lbs (85 kg)
Right-Handed Plays N/A
N/A Turned Pro N/A
3/1 Year to Date Win/Loss 0/0
0 Year to Date Titles 0
0 Career Titles 0
$97,708 Career Prize Money $7,094
1TQ Blanco Damea – Berrettini
(0-0) ore 12:30
1 Aces 4
6 Double Faults 4
57% 1st Serve % 57%
27/54 (50%) 1st Serve Points Won 35/43 (81%)
22/41 (54%) 2nd Serve Points Won 17/32 (53%)
9/15 (60%) Break Points Saved 3/5 (60%)
13 Service Games Played 13
8/43 (19%) 1st Return Points Won 27/54 (50%)
15/32 (47%) 2nd Return Points Won 19/41 (46%)
2/5 (40%) Break Points Won 6/15 (40%)
13 Return Games Played 13
49/95 (52%) Total Service Points Won 52/75 (69%)
23/75 (31%) Total Return Points Won 46/95 (48%)
72/170 (42%) Total Points Won 98/170 (58%)
N/A Ranking 763
18 Age 19
N/A Birthplace N/A
N/A Residence N/A
N/A Height 6’4″ (193 cm)
N/A Weight 187 lbs (85 kg)
N/A Plays N/A
N/A Turned Pro N/A
0 Year to Date Win/Loss 0/0
0 Year to Date Titles 0
0 Career Titles 0
$0 Career Prize Money $7,094
TAG: Berrettini, Challenger Segovia, Challenger Segovia 2015, Riccardo Ghedin
Comunque è incredibile che,come alcuni utenti si prendono la fissa per un nostro giovane determinato tennista,a questo poi gli succede di tutto,e ben difficilmente riuscirà ad emergere e farsi largo nel difficilissimo mondo del tennis professionistico.
@ fg (#1411608)
non eri tu quello che sosteneva che i nostri sono più forti sul veloce
Matteo, insisti sulle superfici rapide!!!
@ Tommaso (#1411486)
In questo secondo set ha mollato… peccato: sara’ per la prossima
Ho notato,correggetemi se sbaglio,che berrettini nei suoi match ha molte occasioni di break ma spesso non riesce a concretizzarle
se e’ esatto il programma verso le 16,30 dovrebbe entrare in campo Berrettini per il suo secondo incontro della giornata
Stupendo che attraversa la città! Anche la cattedrale è bellissima.
siano … l’italiano è importante
forza matteo!!!!
peccato che berretti e ghedin sono nello stesso spot
forza Matteo!
Segovia e’ anche una magnifica cittadina con uno splendido acquedotto di epoca romana…sembrera’ di essere a casa, comunque sempre nell’impero!