Wimbledon, Tweet e Varie – Day 3

Wimbledon, Tweet e Varie: ogni giorno i tweet più carini secondo lo Staff di Livetennis.it.
Wimbledon e Tweet
Serena Williams stands between @HeatherWatson92 and a first appearance in the 4R at #Wimbledon pic.twitter.com/JmE9PPGFjX
— Wimbledon (@Wimbledon) 1 Luglio 2015
Senza petardi e bombe carta. Altro mondo #Wimbledon. Qui si applaude solo, con fragole & panna.
@SkySport #SkyTennis pic.twitter.com/U2zm9oGsgs
— Angelo Mangiante (@angelomangiante) 1 Luglio 2015
This is why she'll always be my fave no matter how many times she loses Heads up @AnaIvanovic and rock the HC swing pic.twitter.com/CgMUrKbH4m
— L. M. (@LillaMay) 1 Luglio 2015
Jelena and Edoardo Artaldi #Wimbledon pic.twitter.com/uyG4Rb8jua
— Jelena Djokovic FC (@JelenaRisticFC) 1 Luglio 2015
WATCH OUT Guess where Serena Williams' wayward return ends up…? #Wimbledon http://t.co/zHvG2OBgYx
— Wimbledon (@Wimbledon) 1 Luglio 2015
Guardo #Wimbledon per studiare l'outfit delle tenniste
— Bettyinter (@bettyinter) 1 Luglio 2015
Estrella cae dando la batalla a Wawrinka en #Wimbledon http://t.co/Yq2WnfwKil pic.twitter.com/DLDHl5DI8A
— Ultimo Set (@UltimoSet) 1 Luglio 2015
These ladies are also through…
@andreapetkovic beats Duque-Marino 6-3, 6-1, while @vika7 defeats Flipkens 6-3, 6-3 pic.twitter.com/3LEUaaqsCC
— Wimbledon (@Wimbledon) 1 Luglio 2015
So. Close. #Wimbledon pic.twitter.com/0BSfS8bqWO
— Wimbledon (@Wimbledon) 1 Luglio 2015
TAG: Wimbledon, Wimbledon 2015
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